Equipe BCV8 

The Equipe BCV8 series offers an exciting and inclusive racing experience tailored to enthusiasts of MGBs, MGCs, and MGBV8s, ranging from nearly stock to extensively modified vehicles. This series consistently delivers thrilling and competitive racing across all classes. Whether you own an MGB, MGC, or V8 and aspire to participate in exhilarating races, Equipe BCV8 is undoubtedly the premier platform for you.

Irrespective of your level of experience, whether you are a newcomer to the racing scene or a seasoned veteran, we extend a warm invitation to engage with us. We encourage you to attend any of our scheduled meetings, where you can introduce yourself, engage in conversations with our drivers, inspect the vehicles, witness outstanding racing action, and determine if this exciting pursuit aligns with your interests.

For additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out via email at info@equipeclassicracing.com

The Equipe MG BCV8 Series is for competitors participating in: MGB and MGB GT, MGC and MGC GT, and MGB GT V8 .

Cars must conform to the current vehicle regulations for classes  AB B C D

Cars built using genuine “Heritage” shells are permitted in these Regulations AB B C D

Roadsters produced by modifying GT shells are PROHIBITED



EQUIPE BCV8 is an invitation series of races organised and administered by Equipe Classic Racing Ltd. This series will not be run as a championship, but prizes will be awarded for individual class and race winners at each event.

It is the intention of the organisers to create a friendly, gentlemanly series of good-value longer-distance events for eligible cars with competent drivers. A high standard of both car presentation and driver behaviour will therefore be expected.

Motorsport UK Permit No.: RS2024/010 Race Status: InterClub

1.2 Series Organisers

John Pearson

Rob Cull

1.3 Series Cordinator

Graeme Williams

1.4 Eligibility Cordinator

Rob Cull

1.5 Competitor Eligibility

All drivers must hold a minimum of a current Motorsport UK Race Club race licence for UK events or European equivalent with FIA endorsed logo. For International events you must have a minimum of a current Motorsport UK National licence or European equivalent with FIA endorsed logo.

All drivers must be registered for the series at https://equipeclassicracing.co.uk

1.6 Registration

All drivers must be approved by and registered with Equipe Classic  Racing. All drivers will be notified of acceptance before any race entry will be considered.

2nd drivers, Non owners or those renting / borrowing a car must be a fully paid up registered driver and will have to supply a covering letter of race experience prior to any race entry being accepted.

Equipe Classic Racing reserves the right to not accept or cancel the registration or entry of any driver at any time.

1.7 Race Entries / Cancellation

Close of entries will be 2 weeks prior to the event. Should you need to cancel your entry please inform us as soon as possible. A full refund less £75.00 admin fee will be given up to 2 weeks prior to the event. From 2 weeks to 48 hours prior to the event then a 50% refund will be given. 48 hours or less No Refund will be given.

1.8 Privacy policy

Equipe Classic Racing Ltd does not disclose buyers’ information to any third party except when order and address details are needed as part of the order fulfilment. In this case, the third party will not disclose any of the details to any other third party.

  1. Sporting Regulations / Judicial

These will be in accordance with the national regulations in the country of the event.

Sporting regulations / Race procedure / Pit Stop

These will be in accordance with the national regulations in the country of the event.

All races will be from a standing start in the order set by the fastest qualifying time.

Races will be two x 20 minutes with the first race grid positions set from the fastest qualification time. Race two grid will be from the finishing positions in race 1. Any non-finishers in race one able to start race two, will be in order of retirement at the back of the grid.

2.2.         DRIVER BRIEFINGS:

2.2.1       Organisers should notify Competitors of the times and locations for all briefings in the Final Instructions for the meeting. Competitors must attend all briefings.


2.3.1       Should any Practice session be disrupted the Clerk of the Course shall not be obliged to resume the session or re-run the session; the decision of the Clerk of the Course shall be final.

2.3.2.      Each driver shall complete a minimum of 3 laps in the car to be raced, and in the correct session, in order to qualify (Motorsport UK Regulations Q12.4).

2.3.3       Where a single practice session is used to establish qualification for both rounds at a double header meeting (denoted (DH) in 1.5) the fastest time set by a competitor shall be used when setting grid order for the first race, the second fastest time shall be used for setting grid order for the second race.

2.4          RACES:

2.4.1       Should any race be disrupted the Clerk of the Course shall not be obliged to resume or rerun the race ((Q)12.15) (1.6.4. above applies)

2.5.         STARTS:

2.5.1.      All cars will be released to form up on the grid prior to the start in formation as specified on the grid sheet.

2.5.2       The start will be via Standing or Rolling start as directed by the Organising Club.  The minimum Countdown procedures/audible warnings sequence shall be: –

  1. 1 Minute to start of Green Flag/Pace Lap – Start Engines / Clear Grid
  2. ii) 30 Seconds – Visible & audible warning for start of Green Flag/Pace Lap.

iii)    A five second board will be used to indicate that the grid is complete.

  1. iv) The red lights will be switched on five seconds after the board is withdrawn.

2.5.3.      Any car removed from the grid after the 1-minute stage or driven into the pits on the Green Flag lap shall be held in the pit lane and may start the race after the last car has passed the start line or pit lane exit, whichever is the later to take the start from the grid.

2.5.4.      Any drivers unable to start the Green flag / Pace lap or start are required to indicate their situation as per Motorsport UK regulation (Q) 12.13.2. In addition, any driver unable to maintain grid positions on the Green Flag Lap, to the extent that ALL other cars are ahead of them, may complete the Green Flag lap but MUST remain at the rear of the last row of the grid but ahead of any cars to be started with a time delay.

2.5.5.      In the event of any starting lights failure the Starter will revert of use of the National Flag

2.6.         SESSION RED FLAG

Should the need arise to stop any race or practice, RED LIGHTS will be switched on at the Start line and RED FLAGS will be displayed at the start line and at all Marshals Signalling Points around the circuit.

This is the signal for all drivers to cease circulating at racing speeds, to slow to a safe and reasonable pace and to return to the pit lane, during practice, and to the starting grid area during the race, unless otherwise directed by officials.

Cars may not enter the pits unless directed to do so. Work on cars already in the pits must cease when a race is stopped.


2.7.1. Pits. & Paddock        Competitors must ensure that the Motorsport UK, Circuit Management and Organising Club Safety Regulations are complied with at all times.

2.7.2. Pit lane:                      The outer lane or lanes are to be kept unobstructed to allow safe passage of cars at all times. The onus shall be on all Drivers to take all due care and respect the pit lane speed limits.

2.7.3. Refuelling                   May only be carried out in accordance with the Motorsport UK General Regulations, the Organising Club Regulations, Circuit Management Regulations and the SRs or Final Instructions issued for each Circuit/Meeting.

2.7.4 Speed Limit                Pit Lane speed Limit will be in accordance with Organising Clubs’ Final Instructions

2.8.         RACE FINISHES:

After taking the chequered flag drivers are required to:

  1. Progressively and safely slow down,
  2. remain behind any competitors ahead of them,
  • return to the Pit Lane Entrance / Paddock entrance as instructed,
  1. comply with any directions given by Marshals or Officials
  2. keep the helmets on and harnesses done up while on the Circuit or in the Pit lane.


2.9.         RESULTS:

All practice Time sheets, Grids, Race Results are to be deemed PROVISIONAL until all vehicles are released by Scrutineers after Post Practice / Race Scrutineering and / or after completion of any Judicial or Technical Procedures. (Motorsport UK regulation (D)26.3.)

 2.10        TIMING MODULES:                           Transponders must be fitted in accordance with Organising Clubs Regulations

2.11        QUALIFICATION RACES:                At the discretion of the Organising Club

 2.12        OPERATION OF SAFETY CAR:     The Safety Car will be brought into operation and run in accordance with Section Q                                                                          Appendix 3 of the Motorsport UK General Regulations.

2.13        ONBOARD CAMERAS:                     On board cameras are at the discretion of the Circuit Owners.


4.1          Infringement of Technical Regulations:

4.1.1.      Arising from post-practice Scrutineering or Judicial action:

Minimum Penalty: The provisions of Motorsport UK Regulations: C3.3

4.1.2       Arising from post-race Scrutineering or Judicial Action:

Minimum Penalty: The provisions of Motorsport UK Regulations:C3.5.1 (a) and (b).

For infringements deemed to be of a more serious nature the Clerk of the Course and / or Stewards of the Meeting are to invoke the provisions of Regulation C3.5.1 (c).

4.2                          Additional specific Championship penalties:  None –


 5.1           INTRODUCTION

 5.1.1       The following Technical Regulations are set out in accordance with the Motorsport UK specified format and it should be clearly understood that if the following texts do not clearly specify that you can do it you should work on the principle that you cannot. Should a competitor find a modification that they feel falls between ‘permitted’ and ‘prohibited’ they should write to the committee for clarification. If approved the competitor will be given written approval and the regulation amended.

5.1.2       Everything that is not explicitly authorised and anything that is not specified:

                (i) In these Regulations,

                (ii) In any official Technical Bulletin that may be published, is strictly forbidden.

The technical modifications specified in these Regulations relate to the use of the vehicle as a race car

5.1.3       The Championship Stewards will encourage vigorous policing of these Regulations.  Competitors have the right to protest to the Clerk of the Course.      The Eligibility Scrutineer will adjudicate on any dispute

5.1.4       Any proposed changes to the Championship Rules & Technical Regulations must be agreed in accordance with the Championship Constitution by simple majority at an Annual Drivers meeting.  Once a change has been agreed, it will normally take effect from the following years Regulations unless a years’ moratorium is agreed.

5.1.5       Cars may be modified as agreed by the Motorsport UK, for use by Motorsport UK Approved Disabled Drivers, who will be the ONLY drivers entitled to drive them.

5.1.6       The following technology is banned:  ABS Braking, Traction Control, Active Suspension, Electronic and Sequential  gearboxes.

5.1.7       Regulations that have changed in substance from the Previous MGCC BCV8 Championship Technical Regulations are normally indicated by being underlined or highlighted.

5.1.8       All Competitors are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that their vehicle and equipment complies with the entirety of the Technical Regulations at all times during free practice, qualifying sessions and races and that they have taken account of all the safety requirements of these Regulations and of the Regulations of the Series and Event in which they are participating.

5.1.9       In interpreting any Regulation the word ‘his’ is deemed to include ‘her’ and persons referred to in the singular includes, where the context so admits, the plural.

 5.1.10    The Series  Organisers reserve the right to issue additional statements concerning the rules and Regulations from time to time (Sporting and Technical Bulletins). These numbered statements will be issued to all registered Entrants/Drivers via e mail or the Series website or by formal communication at the Event. Changes must have the approval of the Motorsport UK. Where clarification or amendments to the Sporting or Technical Regulations are detailed against the appropriate section number in this publication, the clarification or amendment takes place immediately. Official Bulletins must comply with D.11.2.

5.1.11    Within these Technical Regulations the word “standard” used as a description of components is to be interpreted as: “The specified component from the factory or the manufacturer’s parts list for the model or engine shown on the entry form or registration form. No modifications are permitted beyond the repair or adjustment processes specified by the factory or the manufacturer”. Eligibility checking will be by comparison to spare parts supplied by the manufacturer’s official agent.

5.1.12    “Free” as referred to in these Technical Regulations shall be interpreted as “within the limitations imposed by the Motorsport UK current Yearbook Regulations”.

5.1.13    Technical Queries

Any matter affecting Technical Regulations must be put in writing to the Series Eligibility/Safety Scrutineer, as any claim to have received clarifications or rulings on the Regulations must be substantiated by the production, on demand, of written confirmation of such rulings.

5.1.14     Technical Checking:

a             The Series Eligibility Scrutineer / Series Organisers reserve the right to inspect, test, measure, seal or impound any component fitted to or used in conjunction with any car registered in the Series either personally or through a nominated representative.

b – Any Vehicle inspected following qualification or race and found to be in breach of the Technical Regulations or a  .            breach of the procedure surrounding the Technical Regulations will be the subject of a report to the   Championship Organisers and/or Clerk of the Course.

c – in the case of a breach of the Technical Regulations or a breach of the procedure surrounding the Technical regulations, any costs associated with scrutineering and/or eligibility inspections (including, but not limited to   transportation, checks, inspections, rebuilds, etc.) will be the sole responsibility of the Entrant.

d – Any component sealed by a Motorsport UK Official must remain sealed and may not be tampered with in any way. In the event of a seal needing to be broken for repair or replacement, prior to doing so the Championship Eligibility Scrutineer must be informed in writing and approve the seal being broken. Re-sealing will take place after technical checks have been made at the next race meeting.



The Equipe BCV8 Series is for competitors participating in: MGB and MGBGT, MGC and MGCGT, and MGBGTV8

  1.             Cars must conform to the current vehicle regulations. AB B C D
  2.             Cars built using genuine “Heritage” shells are permitted in these Regulations AB B C D
  3. Roadsters produced by modifying GT shells are PROHIBITED. AB B C D

5.2.1       CLASSES             There will be five classes, as follows:

  •  STANDARD          – Standard                       Definition, No Registrations accepted
  •  CLASS AB            – Standard & FIA            Soft tuned MGB, MGBGT, MGC, MGCGT: & Appendix K compliant MGBs, papers are welcome but not mandatory
  •  CLASS B               – Road Modified             MGB, MGBGT, MGC, MGCGT, Standard MGBGTV8
  •  CLASS C               – Soft Tuned                   MGBGTV8 and FULL RACE MGC, MGCGT on Road Rubber
  •  CLASS D               – Full Race                      MGBGTV8 on Road Rubber
  •  CLASS I                 – Invitation                      Any MGA\MGB\C\V8 That does not fit these Regulations running on road rubber

* as defined by these Regulations

5.2.2       Driver and Car combination with modifications not matching any BCV8 Class Regulation will be classified at the Committees’ discretion and be introduced into an Invitation Class.  No points, lap records or annual awards will be given.


5.3.1       As our Series caters for MG’s as defined in 5 (2) above from the early 1960’s to the early 1980’s, it is not possible to cover all aspects of safety precautions with mandatory regulations.  Also to do so may discourage newcomers to our Championship, however all competitors do have to comply with Motorsport UK Regulations.  The use of correct safety equipment as can be afforded is strongly recommended.  Not only can safety equipment reduce the risk of injury and even save life, but a car equipped with the correct safety features will be passed by Scrutineers more readily than one with the bare minimum.  It is recommended that the Motorsport UK current Yearbook Sections Section J – Q – Section K.14 are read and digested.

5.3.2      All regulations contained within the Motorsport UK current Yearbook Section K Safety Criteria apply as relevant unless specifically stated within these Technical Regulations. In particular, the areas covered are:

  1. Safety Roll-Over Structures 4. Seats, Seat Belts and Headrests
  2. Fire Extinguishers 6. External Circuit Breaker.
  3. Overalls               8. Crash Helmets/FHR Devices
  4. Head Restraints

5.3.3       Safety Roll-Over Structures: – (K 1 to K1.8 applies)

  1. This Series requires that all cars, whether open or closed, fitted with standard or non-standard body, are fitted with a safety roll-over structure as defined in the Motorsport UK Yearbook Section K.
  2. Competitors who race Historic vehicles with valid HTPs may use a Safety Roll Over Structure complying with the Motorsport UK current Yearbook regulation K1.6.1 and Section K Appendix 2 Drawing No.6.

5.3.4       Seat, Seat Belts and Seat Mounting: (K 2.1 to K2.3 applies)

  1. Competition Driver’s seat are highly recommend to be a FIA Homologated seat, however as a minimum the seat must be maintained to a safe standard and properly installed as per Motorsport UK ref k2.2
  2. The seat mountings must be of FIA type and comply with FIA Article 253.16)
  3. Mandatory use of seat belts for cars built after Dec 31 1961 Motorsport UK current Yearbook regulation Q13.10.2 applies.
  4. Where seat belts are fitted the Motorsport UK current Yearbook Regulation K 2.1 applies.
  5. Seat belts must be correctly adjusted at all times during events.

5.3.5       Fire Extinguisher

  1. All vehicles must be equipped with a fire extinguisher. Motorsport UK Yearbook Regulation Q 13.10.7 applies
  2. Vehicles of Periods A-F must be equipped with a fire extinguisher in accordance with Motorsport UK current Yearbook Regulation K3.2
  3. All other vehicles not detailed in Series Regulation 5.3.5 b. must be equipped with a fire extinguisher in accordance with Motorsport UK Yearbook Regulation K3.1
  4. The fire extinguisher must not be disarmed in any Parc Fermé area without the specific permission of the Series Eligibility Scrutineer. Any Competitor that is found with a disarmed fire extinguisher in Parc Fermé for whatever reason will be penalised.
  5. The following information must be clearly displayed on each fire extinguisher:
  6. ii) Type of extinguishant

iii)            Weight or volume of extinguishant

  1. It is recommended that the following information is clearly displayed on each fire extinguisher:
  2. i) Capacity
  3. ii) Service date of extinguisher, it is recommended that it must be less than 2 years since the filling      date or the last service date
  4. During Events all extinguisher systems must be in the ‘ARMED’ condition (i.e. be capable of being operated without the removal of any safety device) at all times while competing or practising, including post-Event scrutineering.

5.3.6      External Circuit Breaker

  1. An external circuit breaker is mandatory, Motorsport UK current Yearbook Regulation K 8.1 to K8.5 applies.
  2. Technical Regulation 5.3.6.a is not applicable to cars of pre 01/01/66 construction but is recommended.

5.3.7       Race Clothing: Motorsport UK current Yearbook Regulation K9.1 and K9.3 applies.

a              Competitors are strongly advised to wear flame resistant, socks, underwear and balaclava.

b              Flame resistant gloves and shoes are mandatory. Motorsport UK current Yearbook Regulation Q10.1. (c)applies.

5.3.8       Crash Helmet / FHR Devices

  1. Competitors are responsible for their own crash helmet complying with the requirements of Motorsport UK current Yearbook (K 10.1 to K10.4 applies).
  2. It is Mandatory in the BCV8 Series to use an FIA approved Frontal Head Restraint (FHR).
  3. The Helmet must be appropriate to the FHR device in use and Competitors are responsible for this complying with the Motorsport UK current Yearbook regulation (K) 10.4.

5.3.9       Head Restraint

  1. The use of a head restraint is Mandatory. Motorsport UK current Yearbook Regulation K 13 applies.





  1.              The car should be standard and comply in all respects with the makers’ original specification, unless any modification is specified within these Regulations.
  1.              Eligible cars must be able to obtain a Ministry of Transport Test Certificate
  1.  Trailers may be used to transport the vehicle to and from the circuit without incurring a penalty.

5(5)         CHASSIS:

  1. The chassis as produced by the manufacturer with the original material must be retained in all aspects in respect                                 of material, thickness & contour except for 5. (5). c.
  2. Lightening or reducing of chassis, or chassis member strength, is prohibited.
  3. Seam welding is permitted
  4. Towing eyes / straps must be a contrasting colour to the surrounding area (usually either Day-Glo red or yellow)                                 and must respect the requirements of Motorsport UK current Yearbook Regulation (Q13.1.3).

5(6)         BODYWORK:

5(6).1     Permitted Modifications

  1. General
  2. Bodywork must be complete and standard in shape, on all exterior surfaces
  3. No modifications are allowed, except where specified in these regulations.


  1. Interior
  2. Floor carpets, under felt and sill mats may be removed
  3. Heater systems may be removed.
  4. The rear seat in GT models may be removed.
  5.              The spare wheel cover in GT models may be removed.
  6. The Standard passenger seat may be removed.
  1. Exterior
  2. Front wings may be replaced with fibreglass replicas.
  3. It is permitted to fit Leyland ST pattern spoilers on the front, rear and rear valance
  4. Ducting for the purpose of cooling brakes or removing dust is permitted.
  5. It is permitted to fit “Sebring” type headlamp covers.
  6.              Fibreglass bonnet skins may be fitted to original frames and fixings

f              Fibreglass GT tailgate skins and fibreglass boot skins may be fitted to original frames and fixings

  1. The original bonnet and tailgate shut lines must be as in production.
  2. The original boot and bonnet hinges and fasteners and fixings must be retained
  3. It is permitted to Replace Rear Screen glass and rear side window glass with Perspex, subject to prevailing      .    .              Motorsport UK regulations.
  4. Bumpers may be removed providing that Championship Regulation 5(6).1.3k. is respected.
  5.              When bumpers are removed all supporting devices and brackets as would otherwise protrude beyond                                            the bodywork must also be removed
  1. Silhouette
  2. None, bodywork should be complete and standard in shape and silhouette.


 Ground Clearance

  1. Minimum ground clearance to the centre of the base of the sill is 5 inches (127mm), any attempt to circumvent  these intentions may be subject of a report to the championship Stewards.
  2. Will be measured without the Driver on board.
  3. Ride height will be measured on any reasonably flat surface as deemed by the Series Eligibility Scrutineer or his nominated representative. In the event of any discrepancy the circuit designated flat patch will be used to make any final judgement



5(6).2      Prohibited Modifications

  1. General
  2.             No modifications are allowed, except as specified.
  1. Interior
  2. It is not permitted to remove fixed trim (door trims, linings, etc.) 


  1. It is not permitted to remove the standard windscreen or to modify its original position by the use of non-original  fittings.
  2. Fastback hardtops are not permitted
  3. The aerodynamic performance of the Car must not be changed by modifying the shape of any component e.g. by the addition or removal of any material or by deforming the original material.
  1. The addition of any element that has an aerodynamic influence is prohibited. The aerodynamic shape of the car must remain absolutely standard i.e. all surfaces wetted by the air stream must not be modified in any way.
  2. The radiator grille must be complete and standard in shape; no alterations are permitted.


  1. Silhouette
  2.              Bodywork must be complete and standard in shape and silhouette.
  1. Ground Clearance

It is not permitted to intentionally lower the ride height excessively. Any attempt to circumvent these intentions may be the subject of a report to the Championship Stewards.



5(7)        ENGINES


5(7).1     Permitted Modifications

  1.  Balancing of reciprocating and rotating parts is permitted only by removal of metal from locations so provided by                                 the manufacturer.
  2.  Carburettor needles are free.
  3.   The cylinder head may be de-coked but NO METAL MAY BE REMOVED FROM ANY PORT OR COMBUSTION                 CHAMBER.
  4. Removal of engine fan and the fitting of an electric fan.
  5.  Replacement of the thermostat by a blanking sleeve.
  6.   Air filters are free.
  7.   The minimum combustion chamber capacity will be 36cc.
  8.    The maximum overbore size will be + .060″.
  9. The top face of the cylinder block can be resurfaced but pistons must remain a minimum of .010″ down the bore on all cylinders.
  10. Exhaust valve seat inserts may be replaced provided standard dimensions are retained.
  11.  Exhaust valves of any material, providing standard dimensions are retained
  12. Guides of Bronze type, providing standard shape & size.
  13. Open ended carburettor ducting is allowed, providing it does not produce a “Ram Effect”. All air used for                         combustion must pass through a filter.
  14. Vernier timing wheels are permitted.
  15. Cam Lift max. 0 .264″.  Valve Lift max.  370″
  16. Engine steady bars

5(7).2     Prohibited Modifications

  1.             It is not permitted to replace the standard production engine or any engine part by any alternative.
  2.             Non-standard or modified carburettors or inlet manifolds.
  3.             Polishing of ports and/or combustion chambers.
  4.             Skimming of heads to increase performance.
  5.             Lightened or alloy flywheels or back plates.
  6.              The interchange of short engine components between three and five bearing engines.
  7.             Forged pistons.
  8.             Inlet trumpets on carburettors are not permitted.
  9. Dry sump systems are prohibited.



5(7).3     Location

  1. The engine location, its mounting position and locating points, must remain as specified and supplied by the manufacturer for the particular model entered in the championship.

 5(7).4     Oil/Water Cooling

  1. It is permitted to move the Standard Oil Cooler vertically, provided it remains located within the periphery of the bodywork.
  2. Radiator ducting is permitted but only to the radiator and no further.

5(7).5     Induction Systems

  1. Mandatory use of the manufacturers’ standard’ fitted induction system.

5(7).6     Exhaust Systems

  1. MGB 3 Branch and MGC 6 Branch Tubular exhaust manifold systems are permitted
  2. The exhaust system after the manifold is free subject to compliance with Championship Regulation 5(7).6. c. to 5(7).6. f. inclusive
  3. The exhaust system shall be road legal.
  4. The exhaust system shall exit at the rear of the car.
  5. The exhaust system shall comply with the Motorsport UK current Yearbook Regulation J5.16.
  6. Silencers are free subject to compliance with Championship Regulation 5.16.1


5(7).7     Ignition Systems

  1. It is Permitted to use Electronic Ignition systems.
  2. Electronic Management Systems of any type are PROHIBITED.
  3.           The standard distributor must remain in use and remain in the original location.
  4. Mandatory use of ONLY mechanical advance & retard.
  5. Computer controlled advance & retard is PROHIBITED.
  6. Triggering of the spark must be in the distributor.


5(7).8     Fuel Delivery Systems

  1.             The Fuel pump is free subject to compliance with Motorsport UK current Yearbook requirements.
  2. It is permitted to modify the fuel system to allow for the installation of an alternative fuel pump. See 5(7).8. a.


5(7).9    Sealing

To allow for scrutineers wire seals, every installed engine must have 1.6mm (1/16”) holes drilled in readily accessible locations as follows: –

  1. i) Sump:                                Cross drilled through two adjacent retaining screws or studs.
  2. ii) Rocker/cam cover:          Cross drilled through two adjacent retaining screws or studs.

5(7).10    Engines may be sealed at any time by a Licensed Eligibility Scrutineer and only by written permission in advance from the MGBV8 Committee or a Licensed Eligibility Scrutineer may seals be broken.


5(8)         SUSPENSIONS

5(8).1     Permitted Modifications

  1. Uprated telescopic shock absorbers are permitted.
  2.             It is permitted to use a Competition front anti-roll bar (0.75″ MAX).
  3.             Rear anti-roll bars ONLY allowed on post 1977 MGBs.
  4.             It is permitted to modify the Lower wishbone arm to achieve a maximum of 1-degree negative camber.
  5. It is permitted to use uprated Road springs of original pattern/material all round.
  6. Mandatory use of original pattern MGB 5 leaf and MGC 7 rear springs
  7. Suspension bushes are free providing the original production bush can be replaced in its original position                                      without modification to the bush housing.
  8. It is permitted to install one set of rear Axle tramp bars with reducing tramp being their sole purpose
  9. The suspension geometry must remain within standard dimensions except where permitted modifications as detailed in Series Regulations allow.
  1. Lowering block are allowed as long as they are fixed solid blocks in the original position


5(8).2     Prohibited Modifications

No modifications are allowed, except where specified in 5(8).1.


5(8).3     Wheelbase/Track

  1.             Standard.   Maximum 91″ plus or minus 2″ – Track 55” measured between outside edges of tyres.



 5(9)         TRANSMISSIONS

 5(9).1     Permitted Modifications

  1. Vehicles must use either the original production gearbox or the alternative detailed in Series Regulation   5(9).1b.
  2. it is permitted to fit a gearbox with 4 synchromesh gears to a 3 bearing engine.
  3. Machining of the first motion shaft only may be carried out to facilitate Championship Regulation 5(9).1b.

5(9).2     Prohibited Modifications

  1. Electronic and Sequential gearboxes are prohibited.
  2. It is not permitted to use limited slip, locked or power-locked differentials in their entirety.
  3. Traction control or any other device that acts to limit engine speed/power is prohibited
  4. Gearboxes and transaxles with rapidly interchangeable ratios or proprietary racing gearboxes are prohibited.

5(9).3     Transmission & Drive Ratios

  1. The only permitted Rear Axle ratio is 3.9:1.

 5(9).4   It is recommended that a propeller shaft restraint is fitted together with a clutch / bell housing shield Motorsport UK current Yearbook Regulation K 12 applies.

 5(10)      ELECTRICS


5(10).1   Exterior Lighting

  1. I) Standard to original Specification.
  2. ii) All lights should be fitted in accordance with motor vehicle lighting regulations and be able to satisfy the                                          requirements of a current MOT Test

All cars must be fitted with the following: –

iii)            A minimum of two forward facing main headlights.

  1. iv) A minimum of two rear facing red tail lights.
  2. v) A minimum of two rear facing red brake lights.
  3. All lights detailed in Championship Regulations 5. (10).1 and 5(10).2 must be in working order throughout the entire Event and must be able to be switched on by the Driver when seated normally in the car.

5(10).2   Rear Fog Light

A rear facing red high intensity fog light (or two where two are fitted as standard equipment by the manufacturer in question) Motorsport UK current Yearbook, Section K 5. applies

 5(10).2   Batteries

  1. The battery make is free.
  2. The battery must be located to the rear of the driver or in the boot. Motorsport UK current Yearbook, Section.                 J5.14 applies

 5(10).3   Generators

  1. Use of the Standard 12-volt alternator/dynamo as originally fitted is compulsory.
  2. The Charging Circuit must be connected and operational at all times whilst the Engine is running

5(11)      BRAKES

5(11).1   Permitted Modifications

  1.              With the exception of Championship Regulations 5(11).1 b. to 5(11).1 e. inclusive, brake systems shall be as                                 fitted by the manufacturer must remain unaltered.
  2. Competition front pads and rear linings may be used.
  3. Front brake dust shields may be removed.
  4. Rear wheel brake cylinders may be replaced with any compatible brake cylinder
  5. It is permitted to fit a MGB/MGC dual circuit brake master cylinder.

5(11).2   Prohibited Modifications

  1. Anything other than as allowed above


 5(12).1   Permitted Options

  1.             It is permitted to use MGB LE alloy wheels and Minilite equivalent



5(12).2   Prohibited Options

  1.             Non-standard wheel diameters and offset are not permitted

5(12).3   Construction & Materials

  1. Wheel material shall be Steel or approved design/pattern alloy wheel.

5(12).4   Dimensions

  1.             The Maximum permitted rim width is 5.5”

        5(13)       TYRES

5(13).1   Specifications

  1.  It is permitted to use any Road Tyre from Motorsport UK current Yearbook List 1a List 1b.
  2. All tyres must carry an EEC 30 or EEC 108 ‘E’ mark.
  3. The maximum permitted tyre width is MGB 185 and MGC is195 section
  4. The minimum aspect ratio for all tyres is MGB 60 and MGC is 50 series
  5. No modification to tread pattern or tread depth by cutting is permitted.

5(13).2   Nominated Manufacturers

  1. There is no designated supplier of tyres for this year.

5(13).3                   The use of tyre heating/heat retention devices tyre treatments and compounds is prohibited.

5(14)       WEIGHTS

  1. The minimum Car weight at the completion of every qualifying session and race must be in accordance with Regulation 5(14). b.
  2. Minimum weight of car without Driver: 889.8 kg
  3. The minimum weight is ‘in the condition in which the car crosses the Finish Line or at any other time during an Event and without the addition or removal of any solid or fluid matter including fuel.’ For the purpose of the Regulation, an Event is deemed to include any transfer to a place of post-qualifying or post-race scrutiny as directed by an official.
  4. It is forbidden to add any liquid(s) or other material(s) to the car, or to substitute any part(s) for a heavier one during, qualifying session or race.

5(14).1 Ballast

  1. It is permitted to use ballast plates to achieve the minimum weight.
  2. Ballast required to achieve the minimum weight must only be added inside the car on the front and/or rear        .           passenger foot well.
  3. It is the competitor’s responsibility to provide and fit their own ballast if it is required, and to ensure that ballast is fitted in a safe manner.
  4. Ballast must be attached to the shell/chassis via at least 4 mounting points using bolts with a minimum diameter of 8mm each with steel counter plates of at least 400 sq. mm surface area and 3mm thickness. Ballast mountings              must include provision for the fitting of scrutineer’s wire seals.

5(15)      FUEL TANK/FUEL

5(15).1   Types

  1. Mandatory use of a fuel tank “as supplied”
  2. Fuel tank must conform to original size and construction.
  3. It is permitted to baffle or foam fill the fuel tank.

5(15).2   Locations

  1.             Standard Location.

5(15).3   Fuel

  1. Only ‘Pump’ fuel as defined in section (B) Nomenclature & Definitions of the Motorsport UK current yearbook is allowed.
  2. A Motorsport UK approved additive is permitted.

5(16)     SILENCING

  1. All cars must conform to the current Motorsport UK noise requirements as detailed in the Motorsport UK current         .              Yearbook J5.17 & J5.18.



5(17).1   Positions

  1. Competing cars must carry Equipe BCV8 decals on each side, to be placed as directed (see b & C below).
  2. The Series  decal shall appear on the front wings between wheel arch and A post. The top edge placed abutting the swage line/wing moulding.
  3.  Additionally, competitors shall leave space for secondary sponsorship.
  4.  Class letters must be positioned to the right upper side of all displayed Competition Numbers.
  5.   Failure to do so will lead to loss of points and start monies.

5(17).2   Suppliers

  1.  Series decals will be supplied on registration.
  2. Drivers are responsible for ensuring they request further decals through the season to meet their obligations in 5(17).1 above.

Race Entry and Registration